“Trilateral Global Summit 2022” was held successfully in London Participating Leaders predict “India to be the next Trade Capital of the World by 2035”




Dr Abdul Basit Syed FRSA, Inaugurated the third edition of the “Trilateral Global Summit – 2022” in London from September 13th – 15th, to promote the idea of “Trade 4 Peace.”


Globally 43 country leaders spoke in the “Trilateral Global Summit.” Sessions were held at the prestigious venues of Lancaster Gate and Royal Society of Arts in London.

Trilateral Global Summit” focused on promoting the integration of the global economy and businesses as a pathway for peace, by inviting global leaders, dignified royalties and prominent speakers from 43 countries consisting of Former Heads of State, Finance Ministers, Bank CEO, Policy Makers, Journalists, Corporate Heads and Business Leaders.


Many world leaders and visionaries from various fields gave a stunning speech of their vision to Capitalise the opportunities of investments, trade, banking, global policy and other sectors connecting it with humanitarian values.


The summit was organised by Dr Abdul Basit Syed FRSA, a world-renowned British Indian social activist and entrepreneur. He is a global influencer, campaigning for peace, unity and equality by navigating constantly to interact with global leaders, dignitaries and scholars to over 50 countries to create a positive global impact by being the Founder Chairman of an International NGO “World Humanitarian Drive (WHD)” which currently has active humanitarian support volunteers and operations in 12 countries. He has consistently campaigned for Peace, Education and Trade harmony initiatives around the world.


Keynote Speakers includes:


HE Anthony Carmona, 5th President of Trinidad and Tobago


HE Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, 1st Female President of Luxembourg Parliament


Hon. Gareth Thomas, Shadow Trade Minister of UK


Hon. Gunnar N. Lindemann MdA, Member of Parliament Germany

Hon. Paul Clark, Former Under-Secretary of State for Transport UK


Dr Andrew Nevin, Partner & Chief Economist, PWC Nigeria


Dr Raghavan Seetharaman, CEO of Doha Bank, Qatar



The leaders who spoke at the summit were passionately focused on the development of Trade & Investment with other countries through WHD platform of Trade 4 Peace and expressed their prediction for India to be the next Trade Capital of the World by 2035.


The “Trilateral Global summit primarily focused on enhancing “Trade 4 Peace” (T4P), an imperative initiation by Dr Abdul Basit Syed’s founded International NGO “WHD” to build trade harmony by breaking down Silos of trade by innovating opportunities for establishing interdisciplinary approach effectively. By proficiently leveraging the multilateral trading system and security to develop a fair-trade cycle to strengthen our world economy and peace.


Dr Abdul Basit Syed, conveyed his avid interest to the eminent guests in exploring future investment opportunities in the UK, India, Africa and middle east is of prominent interest to strengthen the global economy for peace.


The summit sessions were held for three days and all the participating leaders observed a minute of silence to show their respect to Her Royal Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II and by extending their thoughts of condolences to the British Royal Family on the Queen’s passing at the spectacular event.


Prominent Awards were presented to various global dignitaries by HE Anthony Carmona, 5th President of Trinidad and Tobago and HE Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, 1st Female President of Luxembourg Parliament, for the recipient’s contributions in various fields.


HE Erna Hennicot-Schoepges and HE Anthony Carmona, released the first copy of the “World Trade Order” book written by Dr Abdul Basit Syed FRSA.


The summit concluded with innovation of peaceful ideas as a mission with spectacular Art, fashion show, dance and music festival performed by world renowned artists to coincide with London Fashion Week.


Global leaders congratulated Dr Abdul Basit Syed for organizing this summit with a clear vision and ambition to promote Peace in the world through trade.


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